August 3, 2011

Forever 21 store opening

Last week I got the chance to visit the brand new Forever 21 store before it opened for public, so I hurried home after work, ate dinner and changed into another outfit very quickly! I wanted this opening to be as special for you guys as it was for me, so I took my old digital camera with me to make small videos. As some of you may have already read on twitter, I just bought a Macbook Pro and I honestly couldn't be happier! It's probably the best invention ever, together with the iPhone of course :) I had heard from iMovie already but since I own a Mac now, I could just play around with it! And so I did... here's a video I made from the private opening. You can't believe how fun it was to shop in an almost empty store! Add a €100 gift voucher on top and there you go: you made my day! Thanks to Oona and Forever21 for the great evening full of clothes, music and delicious snacks!


Absolutely Mrs. K said...

i love the way you are looking for an innovating way to improve your blog! fabulous idea instead of pictures

Louise Stubbe said...

such a shame dat ik nog geen kijkje ben kunnen gaan nemen! 't ziet er alvast super uit!!

Valerie said...

Leuk filmpje! Ik heb ook foto's gemaakt en die zijn terug te vinden op mijn blog :)

Cindy Van Dyck said...

Whoa lucky you to have that chance! Hele leuke video heb je gemaakt!! xx

Shira said...

I love your video, you have to do this more! I visited the shop monday and it was not normal how many people were there! I love the shop, it's amazing :)

Sté said...

And thank you, Stéphanie, anders was het nada :p ;)
Leuk filmpje, ge amuseert u precies goe met de nieuwe Pro. Told you it was a wonder machine! ;) xo

Liesewiesje said...

That's really an awesome and well made video, professional indeed like your mom said :D The shop looks awesome and beautiful ;)

Tessa said...

Schooooon filmke! & schone dingen precies ook, wnr gaan we? xoxo

Nimue said...

Oh, ik wist nog niet dat er een Forever21 geopend was in Brussel! moet ik snel is naartoe ;)

Glamloving said...

Wat een tof filmpje heb je gemaakt ! Echt super !

Ook wel geweldig dat je die voucher van 100 euro gekregen hebt !! Droomscenario als je het mij vraagt ;)


Laura Hazelnoot said...

hmm ik kan je filmpje niet zien? i wrote a piece as well :)

Unknown said...

Ik kan je filmpje ook niet zien... er staat 'deze video is privé'. Jammer, want ik ben wel benieuwd...

Lorraine F. said...

Amazing video !